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The universe of Anne Elisabeth is rich in stories, anecdotes, inspirations, poetry, imagination, dreams. Through this blog, Anne Elisabeth shares with you all she loves, which today constitutes her daily life and her collections.
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Very personal story, painting that is inside the news, with small scenes of life ..
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All-over drawing dotted with flowers painted with rapid brushstrokes, on a messy interlacing of stems and leaves.
A flight of flowers as light as the wind, led by a magician conductor.
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Une histoire de carrés mal léchés, s'emboîtant les uns dans les autres, sur un fond noir.
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Grand dessin d'artiste, s'étageant en frises florales contrastées.
D'une base marron, de belles corolles exotiques éclatent en oranges, bleus, puis rouges.
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Dessin fond noir parsemé de pastilles aquarellées.
Comme bien des dessins glanés deci delà,...
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Dessin d’artiste, une peinture de quelque trente centimètres carré.
C'était un tout petit dessin, assez fouillis, et noir, triste en somme.
Mon intuition me disait agrandis-le..
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flower photo print, wisteria mauve atmosphere
My camera slung over my shoulder, I roam the streets for a mile around ...
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Artist's drawing forty by fifty centimeters,
These are the secrets of textile printing that I am revealing to you ...
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graphic and modern print
This is the story of a skirt.
A skirt found in my grandmother's trunk
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photo print of flowers, spring white and green atmosphere
First lockdown (March to May 2020)
Every day, I write in my little notebook.
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Drawing punctuated by bands of color alternating with small flowers.
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playful and colorful print.
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Dare I reveal to you the secrets of a past year, a paradise of time regained?
Is it possible that last year at the same time, in that time of unbelief and then of astonishment, I was creating without leaving my home, without friends, digging out treasures of ingenuity to develop a collection in your image?
Draw twelve months in advance, according to the schedule of my profession, photograph innocent flowers, listen to the song of birds, paint without understanding what my brushes were telling me?
DAY 34, the beds of spirea blooms near the Mexican orange tree. One hour of freedom, I photograph, throwing my bike against the fences, collecting wisteria all along my route, CHARTREUSE DE PARME takes shape. In time I get home, go back to my den, stir up shelves and memories. Oh hey !, FORMICA, this minimalist so fifties, I give him life again, he will be the perfect mediator in my pictorial overflows. And this skirt found in a trunk, it looks like boats, ATLANTIQUE was born.
Every day I write in my little notebook. DAY 35, DAY 40 ...
The summer of 2020 was an unfinished summer, LES JARDINS DE LA REINE remained in abeyance. And KITCH is disguised as a blooming midnight blue background ... While BAYADERE, printed a thousand times loved, I will tell you ...
I had kept small paper umbrellas. Unconsciously they are linked to my creative path, psychoanalytic should I say, suggesting a world of gluttony, I take you to Never Land, in the World of PETER PAN.
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Allongée sur les pelouses, appuyée sur les coudes, les bras picotés d'insectes, je guette l'ascension du soleil.
Je connais chaque mètre carré dans un rayon d'un kilomètre, c'est le confinement, ce sont les jours redonnés à la nature.
Les corolles s'ouvrent et se ferment en un ballet éphémère restitué en autant de tableaux.
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