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Lever de Rideau

Published on 11/5/2021


Fall-winter 2021 collection


Very personal story, painting that is inside the news, with small scenes of life ...


You have such an imagination, ladies! I hear the words capitals, junks ... you are approaching! Let me tell you ...

There was a time when we were lockdown.


We were dreaming, we discovered silence, solitude.

We were lost, we could hear the birds.

The images of spooky and sublime towns paraded in a loop on our screens.


Images of bars, cinema, opera houses, empty theaters.

I was staying up late, my mind was wandering, I was watching Culture Box, something was clearing up,

I thought of the Italian-style theaters, the gold and the purple.


I took my brushes and, on a white frame, I pushed open the heavy padded doors.

 The seats bristling like scales,


spotlights and light bars,


the velvets, the ground floor plunged into semi-darknessLes-parterres-dans-la-pénombre_1


and the upstair boxes set with arches,

the flamboyant chandeliers, the parquet floors, the crowned stairs.les-lustres

One day we came back. Slowly. Spaced apart.

I dedicate my play to you.

Chevalet-Anne Elisabeth Paris

It was empty, sort of in expectation,

and I put in another job, the one before the imminent lockdown:


A mill and its shreds of mist.

Two paintings that overlap and respond to each other, one dull and dark, the other sparkling, pawing with impatience,

and magic!

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The wings of the mill seem to support a capital, inventing another tale:

that of a sampan drifting on a bluish river,

while the public, dotted on red armchairs, applauds at the




I interpreted LEVER DE RIDEAU in three subjects, a bit like a theater company that goes from town to town ...

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In heavy and compact fabric for your favorite dresses, skirt and pants,

Mirabelle, Gabin, Jess and company.

This polyester poplin moves with majesty, adjusts with a hint of spandex.

It is machine washable, does not iron

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In crepe knit for your divine dresses, Phil and Satin Doll!



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In mercerized cotton jersey for tops and shirts.

High-end mesh, matte and dry appearance.

Elastane provides comfort and stability.