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Peter Pan's world

Published on 04/2/2021


Spring Summer 2021 collection

Neverland, a circle of closed infinity.

The circle, the pastille: code of the eternal feminine ...


Some collect sounds, others words, dried flowers.

Me, I collect balloons, marbles, pearls,

glass beads,

picked up from the beaches.


One day I fell in love with an idea: small paper umbrellas ...

Then I forgot them ...

Then there was the lock down.

I opened drawers.

And lock down ended !


So I went to the sea.

And I planted the tiny banners of my new-found freedom in the sand.


All oriented in the same direction,

they seemed to obey the unchanging logic of vacationers:


Let the sun's rays filter through their thin colored wings caressed with twigs.


Lying on the still wet sand,

I struggled, tense, to catch up with my crepe theater, uprooted at the slightest breeze


Long later, I remembered the parasols from Amalfi (patience, drawing will come!)

and I also remembered Briony, the little girl from the magnificent book "Expiation" by Mc Ewan.


Her very pronounced taste for the miniature pushes her to dispose,

maniacally, his animals and his dolls upright,

along his bedroom window.


But if Briony is a child possessed by the desire to see the world at her own convenience,

I rather see in my fantasy, a longing,

a disproportionate desire for a terrace, a melba peach, mocha and summer umbrellas.




As for skirt LA COMTESSE: all cotton!

It inflates like small paper umbrellas, it waves, and we love to slip our hands into our pockets!



For shirts: find your classics, NIAGARA or RESISTE!

Depending on your body type, take advantage of the breadth of RESISTE to appear fragile and lost, quicksilver or sulphurous, or opt for NIAGARA and its slim build, its plural, wise or relaxed possibility



Stole: the chameleon accessory,

swirled around like a scarf, or deployed as an elegant stole covering the arms, for example for a cocktail, a ceremony ...

No woman is unaware of the thousand ways of appropriating a scarf of two meters of silky cotton, light as the breeze ...


The surprises of the summer: will come the dresses, MALOU and ZIPITOLI, and also a little new one, ONLY YOU, short and trapeze!

And to complete the series of viscose tops, you will find JULIE and LUCIOLE! The season has only just begun!