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Boutons d'Or

Published on 10/10/2020


Fall Winter 2019-2020 Collection



Year after year I photograph the buttercups,

I know their ballet, as a child, I inserted them in my notebooks, I made herbaria.


Lying on the lawns, leaning on my elbows, arms stinged by insects, I watch the  ascent of the sun.

I know every square meter within a radius of one kilometer, it's lockdown, they are days given back to nature.

 The corollas open and close in an ephemeral ballet restored in as many paintings



I know the lakes and the lawns by heart, it is the territory of my childhood,

I swap my landing net for a Nikkon, clicking on the modest buttercups tilting towards the light.

My shots scroll at the pace of a viewer,

sometimes jamming and overlapping to create an unlimited pool of gold.


Gold design, light booster,

it is the sun of your winter wardrobe.

In skirt and pants,

it will give you a dynamic look,


top-fou-masque-imprime-boutons-d-or b

a top

it's the punch at work,

a dress

glam & rock!