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A tire d'aile

Published on 05/2/2024


Spring-Summer 2024


Old screen-inspired print,

suggesting spring, cherry blossoms, the flight of multicolored birds on an orange-vermilion background.


Va, chanson, à tire-d'aile 

Au-devant d’elle…

… voici le grand jour !

Entendez-vous ? la gaîté,

Comme une vive alouette

Dans le ciel clair a chanté.

Verlaine…, I have heard Verlaine so much…

Snippets of poetry emerge at the sight of a bird on a branch.


This is how the names of my prints are born, and this is how my last print of the summer comes into play!

Back to the wonderful 1960s when the color orange was our standard!

Flashy, vibrant, it's amazing.

pantalon-femme-gabor-imprime-a-tire-d-aile-fleurs-et-oiseaux-large-boheme-halles-paris b

You who collect my drawings, stay tuned!

In old engravings (summer 2022),

in naive drawing (the Spring Bird, winter 2019),

I like birds..  


They disturb our sleep in the early morning, become silent at night,

nest in our woods, reappear in our meadows,

they run away, make people talk about them, don’t you think, ladies parakeets.


The bird is our compass.

From a creamy white background screen, very refined, with almost black trees,

I built this print branch by branch,

installing baby birds and loving couple,

lesifting it with warm colors, setting sun ambiance:

plum for voluptuousness, fuchsia and turquoise for light.


With a Japanese spirit, I cultivated the bohemian chic spirit, between kitsch and exoticism


"A Tire d’aile" tells the story of femininity through its fluid viscose, the prerogative of hippies!

Undulating, outrageously feminine and queens of summer:

the Rosa Bonheur and Grain de Beauté dresses,

the sublime Formentera skirt...

Their king : Gabor, the irrésistible trousers !